
"Building Blocks Of Sikhism"
Who are We?

We are the team of "nitnem4all" group and we are dedicated to provide free gurbani reading to ensure that all the sikhs who do not have bani gutka's, still complete their NITNEM.

We are born out of noble vision of providing Correct and free gurbani to all gursikhs worldwide.. We do not take any kind of money for this holy purpose and our service is 100% free and accurate. We have checked all the written gurbani almost 4-5 times to avoid disrespect of gurbani.. Even then, If you find any mistake in any bani, kindly forgive us and inform us about it by mailing us at


Our Mission is to help all the sikhs worldwide so that they can complete their nitnem paths..


Our Vision is that all the sikhs worldwide do their nitnem paths everyday..
Nitnem helps to remove filth in our hearts and make our soul divine and pure..


"Nitnem is the purest way to make our hearts pure"

What Is Nitnem?

Nitnem Path is a collection of Sikh hymns (Gurbani) to be read minimally 3 different times of the day. These are mandatory and to be read by every Amritdhari Sikh as expressed in the Sikh Rehat Maryada. Optionally additional prayers may be added to a Sikh’s nitnem. There are five hymns (Five Banis) to be done during Amrit Vela (early morning), the Rehras Sahib hymn for the evening and Kirtan Sohila for the night, The morning and evening prayers should be followed by an Ardaas.

Nitnem banis are the daily prayers of Sikhism. Five required daily prayers are known as panj bania. The Sikhism prayerbook is called a gutka, is treated with special respect because the daily prayers of Sikhsim are taken from the holy scripture Guru Granth Sahib and the compositions of Tenth Guru Gobind Singh. The prayers of Sikhism are written in the Gurmukhi script, the sacred language of Gurbani used only for Sikh prayers. Every Sikh is expected to learn Gurmukhi and read, recite, or listen to the required daily prayers which make up the Nitnem banis.

Nitnem Paths:

japji saheb

Japji Saheb Author:Guru Nanak Dev

SGGS page no:1~8
Time Of Reading:

jaap saheb

Jaap Saheb Author:Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Dasam Granth page no:1~68
Time Of Reading:Morning

tav prasad savayiyay

Tav Prasad Savayiyay Author:Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Dasam Granth page no:38~40
Time Of Reading:Morning

choupai saheb

Choupai Saheb Author:Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Dasam Granth page no:2743~2747
Time Of Reading:Any-Time

anand saheb

Anand Saheb Author:Guru Amar Das Ji
SGGS page no:917~922
Time Of Reading:Morning(In Nitnem) & Evening(Before langar)

rehras saheb

Rehras Saheb Author:Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Amar Das Saheb Ji, Guru Ram Das Saheb Ji, Guru Arjan Dev Ji & Guru Gobind Singh Ji
SGGS page no:8~12(Till So Purakh)
Time Of Reading:Evening

sohila saheb

Sohila Saheb Author:Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji, Guru Arjan dev Ji
SGGS page no:12~14
Time Of Reading:Night(Before Going to Bed)